Last Name (required)
First Name (required)
Middle Initial
Are you at least 18 years old? (required) -- Yes No
Last 4-Digits of Social Security Number (required)
Cell Phone or Home Phone Number (required)
Present Street Address (required)
Present City (required)
Present State (required)
Present Zip Code (required)
E-Mail Address (required)
Previous Address
Previous City
Previous State
Previous Zip Code
List your preference of position in order. (required)
Salary Requirement $
Are You Willing to Travel? -- Yes No
Do you have adequate means of transportation to get to work on time each day and when called in on short notice during normal working hours? -- Yes No
If overtime work is required periodically, does this pose a problem for you? -- Yes No
Date Available for Work:
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? (required) -- Yes No
Have you ever worked at Rangely District Hospital before? (required) -- Yes No
If yes, when?
Are you related to another facility employee? (required) -- Yes No
Are you able to perform the essential job functions of the position for which you are applying for with or without reasonable accommodations? (required) -- Yes No
Describe any accommodations that may be necessary.
List any professional licenses, registration, or certifications you possess. Include only the last 4 digits of your Driver's License, if applicable. Include Type, State Issued, Expiration Date, and Number. Indicate if any licenses have been revoked, suspended, or placed on probation. Also indicate if you are ineligible to become licensed or certified in you field. Please explain. (required)
High School (City, State) (required)
Graduated/GED -- High School Diploma GED Did not complete.
Degree or Certificate
From (Month, Year) (required)
To (Month, Year) (required)
Company (required)
Phone Number (required)
Immediate Supervisor (required)
Address (required)
May we contact them? (required) -- Yes No
Name While Employed (required)
Job Title (required)
Type of Position (required)
# Hours / Week (required)
Nature of Duties (required)
Reason for Leaving (required)
From (Month, Year)
To (Month, Year)
Phone Number
Immediate Supervisor
May we contact them? -- Yes No
Name While Employed
Job Title
Type of Position
# Hours / Week
Nature of Duties
Reason for Leaving
From (Month, Year)
To (Month, Year)
Phone Number
Immediate Supervisor
May we contact them? -- Yes No
Name While Employed
Job Title
Type of Position
# Hours / Week
Nature of Duties
Reason for Leaving
Name, Position, Address (City/State), Phone, Number of Years Known (required)
Name, Position, Address (City/State), Phone, Number of Years Known (required)
Name, Position, Address (City/State), Phone, Number of Years Known (required)
Please Review and Acknowledge That You Understand The Following. In making application for employment: * I certify that the information in this application is true and complete for all practical purposes. It may be verified by the facility or any affiliate. Should a position be offered and later it is found that the information is significantly untrue, incomplete, or misrepresented, I understand and agree that the facility or its affiliates are relieved of all commitments, financial or otherwise pertinent to employment, and that I am subject to immediate discharge without recourse. * I understand that an investigative report may be made by a consumer reporting agency to include information as to my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living, whichever may be applicable. If such an investigative report is made, I understand that I will receive notice that such a report has been requested, and that I will have the right to make a written request for a complete and accurate disclosure of additional information concerning the nature and scope of the investigation. (required) -- Yes No
* I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ANY EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK WHICH I MAY RECEIVE WILL NOT CONSTITUTE AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, BUT WILL BE MERELY A GRATUITOUS STATEMENT OF FACILITY POLICIES. * I understand that the facility reserves the right to require its employees to submit to blood tests or urinalyses for alcohol or drug screens, or to allow inspection of bags (including purses or briefcases) or parcels brought into or taken out of the facility. I understand that refusal to submit to a urinalysis or blood test, when requested to do so, may result in termination of my employment. * Compliance with this facility's Substance Abuse Policy is a condition of employment. This hospital requires that every newly hired employee be free of alcohol or drug abuse. Each offer of employment is contingent upon successfully completing a urinalysis test/screen for alcohol and drugs in accordance with facility policy. Continued employment is also contingent upon compliance with the hospital's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy. (required) -- Yes No
*I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT IF I AM OFFERED EMPLOYMENT BY THE FACILITY, MY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE FOR NO DEFINITE TERM AND THAT EITHER I, OR THE FACILITY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT CAUSE, AND WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE, I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT THIS STATUS CAN ONLY BE ALTERED BY A WRITTEN CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT WHICH IS SPECIFIC AS TO ALL MATERIAL TERMS AND IS SIGNED BY ME AND THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE FACILITY. Release: I hereby authorize any prior employers to provide such information concerning my employment with them as may be requested, and also authorize the Registrar/Placement Office of all educational institutions attended to release an official copy of my transcript and, if available, faculty appraisals. I also authorize any appropriate licensing board to release full information concerning my licensure status and my licensure history. (required) -- Yes No
Please upload your Resume titled "First Name Last Name Resume".
Please upload your Work References titled "First Name Last Name Work References".
Date (required)
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